Notice of Retraction Data Mining Itemset of Big Data Using Pre-Processing Based on Mapreduce FrameWork with ETL Tools
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As data volumes continue to grow, they quickly consume the capacity of data warehouses and application databases. Is your IT organization forced into costly upgrades to expensive databases and data warehouse hardware appliances and enormous amount of data is getting explored through Internet of Things (IoT) as technologies are advancing and people uses these technologies in day to day activities, this data is termed as Big Data having its characteristics and challenges. Frequent Itemset Mining algorithms are aimed to disclose frequent itemsets from transactional database but as the dataset size increases, it cannot be handled by traditional frequent itemset mining. MapReduce programming model solves the problem of large datasets but it has large communication cost which reduces execution efficiency. This proposed new pre-processed k-means technique applied on BigFIM algorithm. ClustBigFIM uses hybrid approach, clustering using k-means algorithm to generate Clusters from huge datasets and Apriori and Eclat to mine frequent itemsets from generated clusters using MapReduce programming model. Results shown that execution efficiency of ClustBigFIM algorithm is increased by applying k-means clustering algorithm before BigFIM algorithm as one of the pre-processing technique.
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